Wrist-Wrapping and Finger-Taping Advice From MLS All-Star Stef Frei

Feb 28, 2025

The pregame taping ritual adds much-needed support to some of the joints most susceptible to injury as a goalkeeper. Methods vary and results aren’t always successful, so we consulted All-Star Stefan Frei on his technique.

Here’s our step-by-step guide on finger taping techniques so you can tape like a pro:

How you tape your fingers

Goalkeepers are no stranger to finger injuries. Stef Frei knows, “...they’re just part of the game. I think I’ve dislocated or broken pretty much every finger and it’s not fun.” FIFA states that “the risk of injury is never very far away from the man in the number 1 jersey.” So what can we, as goalkeepers, do to help keep us out of the infirmary and on the pitch?

Finger taping stabilizes your digits and reduces the risk of injury.

Like the use of finger spines in gloves, finger taping adds stability and lessens your risk of finger injury. On our last visit to Seattle Sounder training facility, Starfire, Stef showed us how he tapes his before big games. “A few years back I did some research online and I found some good videos of UFC fighters on how they tape their fingers…I was able to find some valuable insight...”.

Using Stef’s taping routine and some influences from Jiu Jitsu, here is our recommended finger taping technique.


Finger wrap is a must-have item for all goalkeepers.

1. Use a roll of 1/2” thick medical or athletic tape, start by making one full wrap around the base of your finger.

Finger taping in action.
2. Tape diagonally, moving the tape forward under the middle joint of your finger to the second section.

    The right finger taping techniques are essential to provide goalies with comfort, safety and control.
    3. Complete one more full wrap around the second sections of your finger. 

      Taped fingers are more protected from injuries goalkeepers frequently sustain.

      4. Move the tape diagonally back towards the base, creating an X intersecting at the middle joint.

      Wrist wrapping stabilizes goalkeepers’ wrists to prevent injury since they are vulnerable.

      5. Complete one more wrap at the base, and cut excess tape if needed.


      As a keeper, it’s important to protect your fingers, but equally important to keep your range of motion. With this technique “....I could bend my fingers in the ways I needed them to and not ways that would cause injury.” 

      How to wrap your wrist

      While most gloves have evolved with thicker wrist straps, they often don’t give the full support needed by competitive keepers. When done correctly, wrist wrapping can be a great way to supplement this support. Frei also offered his methods on this ritual:

      Wrist wrapping in action.

      1. Use a 2” wide roll of medical or athletic tape, start by placing the edge of the tape on your wrist. The end of the tape should be just above where your wrist bends.

      Learning how to tape your wrist for soccer helps you reduce painful wrist inuries.

      2. Make two to three full wraps around your wrist and cut the tape.

      Professional goalkeepers like Stef Frei use wrist tape to avoid being sidelined by hand injuries.

      3. For added support, repeat with one wrap going between the thumb and index finger. Finish with an additional wrap around the wrist (Optional).


      Take it from Stef, “it is about doing everything we can to minimize any injuries and my taping  technique has helped provide a little more protection.” This ritual was the inspiration behind our Legend Glove’s double-length wrist strap.

      That’s a wrap.

      Co-Authored by Stef Frei & Sebastian Head. 

      Stefan Frei, Seattle Sounders Goalkeeper
      Lars Peterson & Per Renstrom, Fifa.com
      Universal Jiu Jitsu, Youtube
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