How to Dive as a Soccer Goalie Without Getting Hurt

Aug 24, 2023

How to Dive as a Soccer Goalie Without Getting Hurt

Diving is an essential part of a goalkeeper’s job description. Of course, certain injuries can be an occupational hazard, which at the least can hinder performance or at their worst, sideline a keeper. That’s why learning how to dive with stellar technique is crucial. This post will offer some pointers that will help goalkeepers dive without getting hurt. 

The dangers of poor technique

The best soccer goalies in the world make dives look easy, but they’re anything but. Diving with improper technique can lead to a variety of injuries. Most common are sprains, strains and muscle tears from contorting your body in the wrong way, or landing at an awkward angle. A poor landing can also lead to bruises and contusions. When catching the ball, there’s also a risk of finger injuries , especially if they get hyperextended. It’s also possible to end up colliding with the goal posts or other players,  especially if you’re lacking visual awareness. 

Techniques for safer diving

Properly enacting safe dives starts before you even hit the pitch. Warming up is key to keeping your muscles loose and less prone to injury. Good warm ups should make sure to target your neck, shoulder and arms. Pushups, pullups, situps, squats and bicep curls are all good warmups, as are sprints and running. 

Now into the dive itself. You want to be prepared to dive ahead of time, before you make the actual move. Here’s a step by step:

  • You’ll want to start on the balls of your feet, putting your weight forwards, ready to spring into action.
  •  When you see the ball coming out of your regular reach, step into the direction of the shot. 
  • Keep that weight forwards - your chest over your knees, and still on your toes. Lean towards the ball
  • Let yourself start to naturally fall (you’ll want to practice getting comfortable with this) and then spring into it. 

Make sure that your arms are way out there. Not only does this give you a better chance of catching the ball, but it also means that you’ll fall on your lateral muscles. This last step is key. Landing on your side muscles gives you the most cushioning, which means you’ll have the safest landing. That is essential when learning how to dive in soccer without getting hurt. 

The proper gear

With enough training, you can keep yourself safe while diving in most circumstances. But when you toss in the right gear, you can be safe in nearly every circumstance. The right protective gear will also give you the confidence you need to make those initial leaps of faith and begin honing your skills. 

But you’ll want  soccer leggings and jerseys that can withstand the punishment of hard landings, to give you the best protection possible.Padded leggings or shorts, plus padded jerseys are the best place to start off. With Storelli’s high performance gear, your dives are no longer leaps of faith - you can be confident that you’ll be well protected every time you jump. So get your gear, and hit the pitch for practice! 


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