Associazione Calcio: Cam Moseley

Feb 3, 2020

Associazione Calcio ("AC") is a footballer series that pursues unfiltered intelligence for players competing at each stage of the game.


Gym shark and former Duke Soccer star, Cam Moseley, pays forward what he's learned about preparation, conditioning and how he's brought extreme discipline from Division I Soccer into his post graduate routine.

What does #PrepareToGo90 represent?

It means to put it all out there as One. From the coach or my teammates, those words are quite powerful because there's reciprocal trust and belief between you and them regarding what you have to give on the field. Whether you're a defender, a midfielder, a goalie, etc. it's quite a fulfilling moment when we're all motivating each other to play in every minute, of the most beautiful game.

What is your crowning soccer achievement?

My greatest achievement was being able to attend Duke University to play D1 Men's soccer. I had the wondrous opportunity to play in the most competitive league in the country alongside and against some of the most talented young men in the country. Being able to put on that Duke blue twice a week and represent my university at the highest collegiate level is an honor I will forever cherish.

Hardest parts of conditioning playing for Duke and tips for power through?

*Takes a deep breath* there is no such thing as easy conditioning haha. The one thing that always got me through the toughest conditioning drills was that the pain was temporary but the benefits were just on the other side. Getting through the pain, the hurt, the tiredness, whatever it is will ultimately make you a better player not only physically but more importantly mentally as well.

What is one soccer insight you want to pay forward to players working their butt off to compete in college?

The one thing I would say to someone who is aspiring to play at a top collegiate level would be to have the belief and in turn the desire to do the little things right. Every passing drill, every conditioning test, every shooting opportunity should be taken with an approach of full focus and mental soundness. The difference between the very good and the best is the consistency of excellence that comes from holding themselves accountable.

What is your soccer/workout routine post college?

My post-Duke routine consists of 3 days of treadmill/cardio conditioning with 2 days of calisthenics. Cardio for me will always be the most important method of getting active because of its benefits to my cardiovascular health. On the other hand, calisthenics, which focuses on bodyweight exercises and dynamic movements, keeps me limber and puts muscles to work I didn't necessarily use while playing soccer. The combination of the two for 5-6 days a week is a great way to stay in shape but also relieve stress.

Why do you wear the hoodie "literally every time" you play?

If I could mass-produce the hoodie and give it to all my friends who still play, I would. It's light, sleek, and allows me to play my best just because I know I'm wearing the best. It's tight the body and minimizes any additional minutia that might have an effect on my game. 



Shop: Storelli Training Hoodie


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